The planets influence us through the fabric of
who and what we are. If we maintain a positive attitude and have
accumulated positive karma, then this is stimulated by the natal
(birth) planetary positions. Most of us have a mixture of positive
and negative past life karmic activity manifesting in this life.
Astrology works with the fabric of good and bad karmic potential
combined with attitude. Astrology does not create situations for
us. Astrology works with what we have created for ourselves.
Generally, Western astrology is not tied to any
particular philosophy. The positioning of the planets at the time
and place of birth establishes the role they will play in influencing
the mind. It is the interplay of placement and angles that is
analyzed by the astrologer to decipher what influences consciousness.
Buddhist astrology actually means using Buddhist
principals with astrology. Buddhism strives to enhance self-awareness
and wisdom, facilitating a growth of free will, choice or liberation.
This expanded free will applies to all aspects of life. The more
aware and wise an individual is, the more choices he or she has
in life, whether dealing with inner emotions and feelings or external
Buddhist practice emphasizes awareness and wisdom as the most
important factors for personal development. The actions of body and speech are
all directed by the mind. A negative attitude and harmful actions create the
causes for suffering and hardship. A positive attitude and kind-hearted actions
create the causes for happiness. The mind is the creator of our existence. Most
of us are unaware we are creating our existence on a daily basis with our intentions
and actions. This lack of mindfulness together with bad habit patterns is the
main cause for our unhappiness. Astrological influences have fertile ground
in this unawareness to sow the seeds for an even more complicated life. We are
not cursed by astrology, we are stimulated by it. We are responsible for how
we respond to the stimulation.
So even if people have a stressful birth chart, they are not doomed
to suffer failure all their life. If they lack awareness they may repeatedly
respond unskillfully to situations, but the suffering lasts only as long as
they lack awareness. One doesn't have to be a Buddhist to understand that some
actions are not conducive of success. Buddhist practice attempts to awaken the
practitioner to recognize potentially unskillful actions and abandon them. In
positive terms, practice is awakening an enlightened attitude to enhance life
and experience. The mind and attitude of a Buddhist is the central focus of
the practice. The mind motivates all action of the body and speech; thus by
watching the mind one controls everything. A good practice of self-awareness
and wisdom is protection from all negative influences, whether astrological
or not.