 | 39. work
& service fall 2008what is the work that bridges heaven & earth?; geeta iyengar,
roshi joan halifax, & margaret wheatley; 3 influential voices on the place of karma yoga.               read this issue
 | 38. sustainability summer 2008can we sustain hope & possibility?;
joanna macy transforms despair into joyful rebellion; urban artists re-imagine
the spirit of place; derrick jensen asks, what are you willng to do?               read this issue
 | 37. yoga’s inner language spring 2008yoga's inner language;
can metaphor deepen our practice?; the sublime qur'an; a poet & linguist enconters
an ecosystem of stories; a treasure hunt through india's ashram libraries.               read this issue
 | 36. the
elements fall 2007yoga teachers serve their communities; matthieu ricard
on metaphor, pure vision & happiness; the human right to water, a global activist thirts for
justice; plus: a roadtrip through the elements and could you live in a zero waste home?               read this issue
 | 35. gender &
sexuality spring 2007how a former nun is revisioning sexuality & inspiring social
change; mark whitwell on the intimacy of hatha yoga; does spiritual life require
celibacy? noah Levine wrestles with desire, redefining beauty with siva & sakti...               read this issue
.jpg) | 34. vision summer
2007patricia walden, john friend, sharon gannon contemplate the essence
of yoga; alice walker inner light in a time of darkness; a peek into sparrow’s
dream diary; 3 visionaries: new ways of seeing & the winners of our writing contest               read this issue
.jpg) | 33. the world spring
2007karen armstrong return to compassion; the dalai lama creating a place for peace;
HIV/AIDS activism the healing balance of hatha yoga; plus: sourcing food within
100 miles of home, hermit poets face the world, a lesson from the skunks...               read this issue
.jpg) | 32. bliss winter
2006contentment in life & laundry; rumi’s divine intoxication; gross national
happiness; bliss in a bookshop, selfless service as drug rehabilitation, ascent’s
first children’s story, poetry by susan musgrave, mantra vibration transformation…               read this issue
.jpg) | 31. teacher/student fall 2006awareness, balance & compassion: the new ABCs in
public schools; desikachars tkv & kausthub explore yoga’s unexpected inheritance; carol
lee flinders is looking for modern-day visionaries; teaching to learn/learning to teach...               read this issue
.jpg) | 30. space summer
2006apollo 14 astronaut returns with evidence; sister elaine macinnes
smuggles hope into prisons; janet cardiff seeks talented viewer; dancing for god,
the yoga of living in your car, the winners of ascent’s 2nd annual writing contest               read this issue
.jpg) | 29. power spring
2006be your own superhero!; burning water: deepa mehta challenges
tradition with her acclaimed film; david suzuki & the 10 ways you can change the
world; alice coltrane on jazz, god & meditation; balancing business & buddhism in china...               read this issue
.jpg) | 28. food winter 2005the politics of food vandana shiva on GMOs,
the gita & the farmer next door; lessons from krishna the butter thief; roshi bernie
glassman on activism, zen & cakes; can beer be holy? taste desire & the second chakra...               read this issue
.jpg) | 27. knowledge fall
2005an engineer turned activist brings light to people off the grid; exhuming the
wisdom of beauty, aging & death; the secret teachings of film & faith; distributing
sacred texts to tibetans in exhile; finding meaning from a note found in a puddle...               read this issue
.jpg) | 26. yoga &
culture summer 2005tradition transition translation how eastern spiritual practices
are working in the west; lights, filmmaker velcrow ripper is scared in bosnia,
hiroshima & new york…; an acclaimed poet-priest talks god & broken hearts over fried eggs...               read this issue
.jpg) | 25. family spring
2005kausthub desikachar on three generations of yoga; spiritual life &
family, can they co-exist?; tabla master zakir hussain on shakti, tradition
& evolution; turning the world upside down in the headstand, & can we inherit faith?               read this issue
.jpg) | 24. healing winter 2004an ashtanga teacher & her community transform
tragedy; 6 ingredients of love bell hooks links healing with political resistance; can
art heal? caregiving as yoga & art; plus: self-esteem & body politics, kali the master surgeon...               read this issue
.jpg) | 23. liberation fall
2004personal political everyday yoga reflections on diversity in yoga culture;
what use is fame & fortune to an 86-year-old yogi?; embracing blemishes on the path
to liberation; the wizard of om, overcoming negative self-esteem & a letter from laos               read this issue
.jpg) | 22. travel summer 2004do
urban environments alienate us from our practice?;yann martel on life after life of pi;
bosnia: is history a bad teacher or are we bad pupils?; a pilgrimage of faith, family & filmmaking...               read this issue
.jpg) | 21. the
next generation spring 2004where is yoga now? ; punk, buddhism & the
rebellion of waking up; keeping faith alive fighting for human rights in uzbekistan;
plus: the little bridge pose, my so-called practice & yoga for youth on the margins               read this issue
.jpg) | 20. renunciation winter 2003does renunciation have a place in modern life?;
let go in the corpse pose; can we take the risk to live simply?; facing the ego with yoga;
plus: china's bodhisattva of compassion, the bhagavad gita & reflections on the elusive lotus               read this
.jpg) | 19. myth & storytelling fall 2003               read this issue
.jpg) | 18. women in spiritual
life summer 2003discovering a spiritual practice in motherhood; sexual ethics and yoga where do
you stand?; the shoulder stand learn to support yourself; what is the new feminine tradition in zen?               read this issue
.jpg) | 17. hatha
yoga spring 2003activism, devotion & the politics of hot yoga; what is the hidden
language of hatha yoga?; esther myers remembers vanda scarvelli; richard rosen on pranayama               read this issue
.jpg) | 16. social
action winter 2002letter from india: yoga & HIV; gary snyder's revolutionary
poetry; take aim in dhanurasana; vandana shiva seeds of inspiration; plus
the latest from soren gordhamer, tenzin palmo, reverend ruth wright & bo lozoff               read this issue
.jpg) | 15. east/west fall
2002global imagination: pico iyer; practice or consume: the paradox of selling
yoga; can spirit & business work together?; paschimottanasana intense stretch
to the west; thomas merton's eastern leanings; musical travels with the kronos quartet               read this issue
.jpg) | 14. sound summer
2002what makes sound sacred?; letter from china searching for kuanyin; jane siberry's musical
devotion; the roar of simhasana; zen beyond silence; sri karunamayee a divine life in sound               read this issue
.jpg) | 13. life,
death & rebirth spring 2002lata pada's dance of renewal; joan halifax compassion in
action; preparing for life & death in <i>savasana</i>; living with cancer: a
yogi's diary; a sacred text; the cobra pose; dying to be more; physics & the mystery of life               read this issue
.jpg) | 12. science winter
2001do our brains contain the secret of faith?; yoga chemistry with geeta iyengar;
is yoga a science?; the refuge ofkurmasana; fritjof capra & the tao of ecology               read this issue
.jpg) | 11. community fall 2001bo
lozoff life in spiritual community; yoga in the city; householder yogi; extending beyond trikonasana               read this issue
.jpg) | 10. bhakti,
the yoga of devotion summer 2001can hatha yoga be devotional?; krishna das plays
the music of love; divine mother's wave of bliss; to the heart of jivamukti's sharon gannon               read this issue
.jpg) | 9. environment spring 2001arundhati roy saving the narmada river;
satish kumar a simple genius; brian harria the storyteller; plus reflections by david
suzuki, yoga in the yukon, nature's mandala and tenzin palmo on mind & the environment               read
this issue
.jpg) | 8. the arts winter 2000natalie
goldberg; derek shapton; shyamali hauth; ray brooks; khandro dechen; suzin green; ann beam               read this issue
.jpg) | 7. the
kundalini issue fall 2000kundalini, the most mysterious and misunderstood power
in the universe... so, what is it anyway?; a shakti shift; padmasana: finding lotus mind;
the scoop on gopi krishna; plus john white, cristina sitja, yogi tea and the remarkable mishras               read this issue
.jpg) | 6. the mind issue summer
2000the yoga of pure consciousness; a calm mind: richard rosen on the yoga sutras; gabrielle
roth's dancing path; the outer space of the mind; plus hardeep dhaliwal, albert low and jakuso kwong               read this issue
.jpg) | 5. what is karma yoga? spring
2000what is karma yoga? 3 yogis on liberation, karma and service; tarthang
tulku working for the dharma; tom berger: yogi incognito; unwind with yoga
at work; downtown with reverend ruth wright, yogic time and unsung heroines               read this issue
.jpg) | 4. spiritual
leadership winter 1999tenzin palmo and the building of a buddhist nunnery;
lover and beloved what is the way of zen? swami radha on leadership; plus bks
iyengar, hardeep dhaliwal, yogi bhajan, and the results from our leadership survey               read this issue
.jpg) | 3. body as a spiritual
tool fall 1999your perception is your reality and your health; growing up;youth, age and
hatha yoga; the yoga of secret symbols and metaphors; the cosmic serpent; an excerpt and interview               read this issue
.jpg) | 2. the
divine feminine summer 1999dj divine mother; tara & the supernova; female
bodhisattva; quilting the goddess; the power of reflection; handmaidens of divine mother               read this issue
.jpg) | 1. light spring
1999the yoga of light; what is the divine light invocation?; physics and yoga;
illuminating hatha; can you listen to a woman?; dispelling illusions; a pilgrimage to india...               read this issue