touch the earth!

What if we bowed to our perceived adversaries instead of demonizing them?  And what if we acknowledged that our adversaries, who have deliberately destroyed the natural world for profit, have shown us how much we must love and value our world?   In conversation with John Malkin on Free Radio Santa Cruz, Joanna Macy challenges us to dismantle the systems that enslave and damage us and to be a part of  the most ingeniously inventive time of our whole human story.

Listen to hte interview

a practice: breathing through

The act of breathing is fundamental to most spiritual traditions and helps us stay connected to the vast web of life.  Joanna Macy has adapted this simple breathing exercise from an ancient Buddhist meditation for the development of compassion.

In moments of despair and grief, we invite you to use this practice to connect to yourself and others.

Click here to download this practice as a pdf.  

a workshop: the work that reconnects

Saturday September 27th, 2008 from 10 am – 6 pm
Rad’a Yoga Studio Montreal, 841 rue Gilford.

Rebekah Hart

Workshop description: By virtue of being alive on an endangered planet, each of us holds pain for the world in our hearts. Instead of letting this pain isolate us, this workshop will offer ways to witness and transform our pain into gratitude, insight, interconnection and empowerment.We will let the earth speak through us, for the Earth's healing is our healing; planetary grief is our grief. Using creative exercises from the Work that Reconnects -- including movement, drama, meditation and ritual -- we will reawaken our love in life and our power to act.

The Work that Reconnects is an experiential workshop model that was developed by Joanna Macy and others in response to the environmental and social challenges we face.  Rebekah Hart has trained with Joanna Macy and has been facilitating workshops and retreats in the Work that Reconnects since 2003

Cost: Sliding scale $50 - $70. Plus receive a free copy of the latest edition of ascent magazine!

To register please call 514-499-3999 or email

Click here for more info on this workshop or contact Rebekah at


Copyright ©2007 ascent magazine, first Canadian yoga magazine, yoga for an inspired life