translations I like...

Sharon Gannon
The Teachings of Shri Vallabhacharya
Shyamdas trans., Pratham Peeth Publications

The main teachings of the Path of Grace, the yoga of devotion, are contained in this edition. It is the only English translation of these important teachings in existence, packed with practical advice from a sublime perspective.

Swami Gopalanada
The Uddhava Gita: The Final Teaching of Krishna
Swami Ambikananda Saraswati trans., Ulysses Press

An excellent translation of the final teaching of Krishna, reflecting a feminine perspective which, for me, can be more encompassing and down to earth than the often overly dissected translations of male academics.

Swami Lalitananda
Bhagavad Gita (with commentary),
Swami Sivananda trans.

I've read other more poetic English translations of the Gita, but Swami Sivananda's is so real. I feel the power of his experience coming through the words. My Guru, Swami Radha, also studied this translation and awakened her own depth of wisdom as she pondered the meaning for herself.

Alan Clements
Visuddhimagga - The Path of Purification
Bhikkhu Nanamoli trans., Buddhist Publication Society

If one book needed to be preserved on earth, this manual would be my choice, as it is the most complete and concise text describing the nature of consciousness and, moreover, the way of liberation. It is the Classic Manual of Buddhist Doctrine and Meditation by Buddhaghosa from 7th century Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

Juniper Glass
Ananda Lahari (The Wave of Bliss)
Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) trans.

A series of intriguing songs about the Divine Feminine. I like to read the verses right through, ignoring the complex commentary. As I read, my mind opens to the grandeur, loveliness, and paradoxes of Divine Mother. The text includes beautiful mantras that correspond to the first six chakras of the Kundalini System.

Rama Devagupta
1. Bhagavad-Gita: The Song of God
Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood trans., Sri Ramakrishna Math
2. The Upanishads: Translations from the Sanskrit
Juan Mascaro trans., Penguin Books

I love reading these versions because they are both paperbacks, small in size, easy to handle and perfect to carry during travel. Besides that, both begin with a small but very meaningful introduction and are written in a very easy to understand English, without sacrificing the purity or poetic beauty of the original. The poetry and original purity are very important to me as my roots are from India and I do have some understanding of Sanskrit.

Suzin Green
Sri Lalita Sahasranama (The Thousand Names of the Goddess)
Dr. M. N. Namboodiri trans., published by Mata Amritanandamayi Center.

I love to randomly open this text each morning and receive a Name for the day. It always seems to give me exactly the Name I need. The translations and commentary are eloquent, the Sanskrit is beautifully rendered, and the book design has a simple elegance that is a pleasure to read.

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